Covenant Health Library Services provides quality, knowledge-based information that supports patient care and decision-making at all levels within Covenant Health. We provide service to staff and physicians at all Covenant Health facilities from our two site libraries.
For more information, consult our page on the CompassionNET intranet.
Monday – Friday: 07:30 am – 3:45 pm
Contact Information
Room 0634, Grey Nuns Community Hospital
1100 Youville Drive West
Edmonton, AB T6L 5X8
Tel: 780-306-7618
Fax: 780-735-7202
The Health Sciences Library is located in Room 0634 on the 0-Level (basement level) of the Grey Nuns Community Hospital. From the main lobby take the public elevator down to 0-Level. Turn toward the Cafeteria and take an immediate right to go past the Human Resources office. Turn left into the next hallway, and the Library is the first room on the right.
Monday - Friday: 07:30 am – 15:45 pm
Contact Information
Room 1NW-32, Misericordia Community Hospital
16940 – 87 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5R 4H5
Tel: 780-306-7618
The Weinlos Library is located in Room 1NW-32 on the main level of the Misericordia Community Hospital. From the main lobby, take the hallway immediately to the left of the public elevators and follow down to back of hospital. Turn left and proceed toward new Emergency Department. The Library is approximately half-way down the hallway on the right.