from Gateway Pediatric Pharmacy Group (undated) at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. Click on the grey "Formulary of Extemporaneous Oral Liquid Medications" bar to download the most recent version.
Freely available recipes from Medisca.
• Drug Information has a subscription to Medisca's subscription-only formula databank, including the BUD Databank.
Contact AHS Drug Information for access to recipes.
Contains previous issues of "Secundum Artem" newsletter; bibliography of select stability studies for extemporaneous products, and link to information service for Perrigo products, e.g. Ora-Plus, Ora-Blend, etc
This new edition will contain the most updated guidance for compounding sterile preparations. This resource would be considered an essential resource to help individuals learn more about and comply with the standards related to sterile compounding.
The go-to guide for treating patients who require medications that are not commercially available in appropriate forms or dosages for pediatric, geriatric, or special needs. Provides evidence-based formulation in easy-to-follow “recipes” for 312 formulations.
This book contains the most appropriate formulation of each medication based on published and documented stability data. Extemporaneous Ophthalmic Preparations is the first book of its kind, making it a unique and valuable companion for many physicians and pharmacy practitioners who are frequently engaged in the compounding of sterile ophthalmic preparation.
This guide provides students with the pharmacy basics necessary for correctly interpreting prescriptions and drug orders, and performing dosing calculations that technicians face every day.