The recommendations contained in these guidelines are a consensus of the relevant Provincial Tumour Team synthesis of currently accepted approaches to management, derived from a review of relevant scientific literature.
The Accelerating Change Transformation Team (ACTT) no longer develops or updates Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) on single clinical topics. This page thus contains an archive of existing CPGs that have been produced by ACCT over the years.
This manual is based on the accumulated experiences of BC Cancer together with best-practice evidence derived from major cancer centres throughout the world.
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) designs and implements knowledge translation (KT) and dissemination strategies to support the uptake of CTFPHC guidelines into practice.
Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) drives continuous improvement in disease prevention and screening, the delivery of care and the patient experience for chronic diseases.
Using the best available evidence, ASCO expert panels identify and develop practice recommendations for specific areas of cancer care that would benefit from using practice guidelines.
The ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are intended to provide oncology professionals with a set of recommendations for the best standards of cancer care, based on the findings of evidence-based medicine.
NICE guidance sets the standards for high quality healthcare and encourages healthy living. Many types of guidance documents, including clinical guidelines, are available.
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) are posted with the latest update date and version number. Please note that a free personal account is required to access these guidelines; they are intended for personal use only.
SIGN guidelines are designed as a vehicle for accelerating the translation of new knowledge into action to meet our aim of reducing variations in practice, and improving patient-important outcomes.