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Reference Management | Migrating from RefWorks to a Replacement

Choosing a New Reference Manager

Mendeley Desktop

  • Mendeley is a preferred reference management program within AHS and is widely used by research teams and clinicians. 
  • Supports over 2000+ citation styles, including APA, AMA & Vancouver, and gives you the ability to create custom styles.
  • It also excels in PDF management, allowing you to assign a folder that will watch for any new documents and automatically create a new record in your library.  undefined

Install Mendeley

  • Requests to have Mendeley installed (or updated) on your AHS computer can be made through the IT Portal.
  • You can also freely download and install on any personal computer.

Register for a Personal Account

  • Use the Register button in the bottom left of the home screen to create a free personal account. 
  • Your login information will be the same for both desktop and web access.


Before migrating, you may wish to test out Mendeley (and/or Zotero below) to preview how it works and how well the interface suits your preferences. Getting to know the program first and testing with your usual research workflow will make migration easier when you choose to proceed.

Are there other options?

Zotero, another open-access reference management program, is also now available to AHS users. It is widely becoming known for its exceptional ability to manage web citations and it is easier to source full-text documents from the KRS collection.

EndNote is a permitted option available to select users, however, it is approved by request and based on business needs. This can also be requested through the IT Portal. Please note that personal licenses of Endnote cannot be installed on AHS devices, nor licenses purchased outside of AHS.


A free Mendeley account offers you:

  • Ability to share or collaborate with groups
    • Private Groups - Mendeley users can create and own 5 private groups. There's no limit on the number of private groups users can join, however each private group created by a free account can only have a maximum of 25 members.
  • 2 GB personal cloud storage/100 MB group cloud storage

Mendeley Web vs Desktop:

Mendeley Web

Mendeley Desktop

Access citations online

Full citation management functionality

Add people to your network

Insert citations into Microsoft Word

Share research

Allows multiple accounts on the same computer

Download a citation

Read and annotate PDFs

Create folders and groups

A free Zotero account offers you:

  • Ability to share or collaborate with groups (no limit on the number of groups or members)
  • Unlimited data syncing/300 MB of cloud storage for file syncing
    • If you do not need to access PDF files on other workstations, you can turn off file syncing for unlimited full-text storage.
    • PDFs will only exist locally on your computer's hard drive; they will not be synced to Zotero’s cloud servers.