Are you looking for a way to better way to find out about the newest research in your practice area? Keep up on the latest issue from your favourite journals? A current awareness plan can automate some of this work.
We'll help you align your needs with the right tools to make it a breeze!
Journal alerts are an easy way to be notified when the latest issue of a journal is released. The email alert will either link you to the online issue or provide titles to pick out for further reading. People will typically follow a few journals in their practice area.
Browse, read and follow medical journals in your own customized, virtual bookshelf display. Follow your favourite tiles and be notified when new issues are available and read full text in one-click. Save your favourites for later.
There are some great apps and specialized sites that aggregate the latest research within broad practice areas or topics. By setting these up, you'll be notified when any news research is released. The articles will come from a broad mix of journals.
Curate a personalized feed of the latest and most read research based on your preferences, pulled from a variety of journal sources. Select specific journals and topic collections to follow, search PubMed, and save papers.
By setting up a search alert in one of our research databases you'll be notified when any news research is published that matches your saved search. Results will come from a variety of journals and the results will be as tailored to your search strategy.
See what's new in the library! We publish a list of all the newly added titles to our collection, both online and in print, in our library blog. You can also subscribe for an email notification whenever we post new items. It's quick and easy!