Mobile Apps & Resources: Pedi STAT


To keep you updated on the go, our ‘app of the month’ highlights one free informational app every month!


Librarian reviewers consider the audience and purpose of the apps, as well as highlighting additional features:
  • In the ‘Evidence’ section, we assess how easily an app user can identify the app’s currency and support from the evidence
  • In the ‘Usability’ section, we assess the organization of information and other usability factors that may contribute to user experience

Our complete grading criteria for evidence and usability are embedded in the review.

Please note that the reviewers are not healthcare professionals, and so cannot appraise the quality of any recommendations within the app. The reviews are not endorsements.

View the AHS policy on Mobile Wireless Devices and Services.




Version reviewed

 Android version;

iOS version 4.1.0

Device & OS used

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 5.0.2 (LF); iPad Air 2 (RZ)

Date of review

 November 25, 2019

Reviewers Lance Fox & Rachel Zhao
Technician Support Lori Maisey



Image Source: Pedi STAT, Apple App Store. ​Retrieved on December 4, 2019 from:


Stated Purpose  

“Decision support tool for managing critically ill children.

  • Access data needed to care for a pediatric patient in the emergency setting, including weight-based and age-specific medication dosing & equipment sizes
  • Calculate results with only a known age, date of birth, weight, length or height
  • Spend more time caring for your patient and less time looking up or calculating doses”


“Pedi-STAT is a rapid reference for RNs, paramedics, physicians and other healthcare professionals caring for pediatric patients in the emergency or critical care environment.”



Pediatric Emergency Medicine/Critical Care

Nurses, Paramedics, Physicians, and other healthcare professionals caring for pediatric patients in Emergency or Critical Care settings.



Part 1: Editorial committee, content updates, and evidence grading

The author’s name and affiliations are provided but but no contact information is available. Individual entries are not dated and there is no mention of how often the entries or the app itself are updated. There is no evident grading system used..

Part 2: Source and authorship information for 3 entries

By looking at the “About Pedi STAT” section of the app we know who compiled the content in the app and a list of references (articles, textbooks, and point-of-care resources like UpToDate and Micromedex) are provided in the “References” section of the app. It is also indicated what each reference is related to (i.e. Airway, Anaphylaxis/Allergic Reaction, Burns, Cardiac Resuscitation, Fluid/Blood Resuscitation, Procedural Sedation, Seizure, Toxicology, and General Information/Drug Dosages/Equipment Sizes).

However, even though references are provided, the authorship and references are not included when viewing each entry individually, so it is easy to miss this information if you don’t know where to find the References page.

Organization of information

The home screen in the app provides 4 options:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Broselow

This allows you to either select the patient’s age, weight, or length/height. The Broselow option allows you to use the Broselow Tape (or guide) which is a colour-coded tool used in pediatric emergency medicine to determine body weight from body length and provide proper dosing and airway information for children.

The different categories for which information is provided are:

  • Airway Intervention
  • Anaphylaxis/Allergic Reaction
  • Antimicrobials (IV/IM)
  • Antiemetics
  • Burns
  • Cardiac Resuscitation
  • Equipment
  • Fever
  • Fluid/Blood Resuscitation
  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Normal Vital Signs
  • Pain Management
  • Pressure Support
  • Procedural Sedation
  • Respiratory
  • Seizure
  • Toxicology



Once the patient characteristics have been selected, then you have to choose from a list of categories.

Then you will be provided with quick and immediate answers and instructions on what should be done for the patient (ex. drug dosages) in an easy-to-read format.

Algorithms are also used when navigating through categories like Tachycardic or Bradycardic Rhythm. Step-by-step instructions are provided as you make each selection.


User Account required: No

Internet connection required for use: No

Text search field: No

Browsable content:Yes

Advertisements: No

Pop-up advertisements: No

In-app purchases: No



Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices.  Requires Apple iOS 10.0 or later. 

Last updated (as per App store listing): February 2, 2019

Android tablets and smartphones.  Requires Android 4.1 and up.

Last updated (as per Google Play listing): April 6, 2018


2.9 MB (Android); 7.9 MB (iOS)                                                                                                                                                       

App Developer


Country of Origin



