Mobile Apps & Resources: Pocket Anatomy


To keep you updated on the go, our ‘app of the month’ highlights one free informational app every month!

Librarian reviewers consider the audience and purpose of the apps, as well as highlighting additional features:
  • In the ‘Evidence’ section, we assess how easily an app user can identify the app’s currency and support from the evidence
  • In the ‘Usability’ section, we assess the organization of information and other usability factors that may contribute to user experience

Our complete grading criteria for evidence and usability are embedded in the review.

Please note that the reviewers are not healthcare professionals, and so cannot appraise the quality of any recommendations within the app. The reviews are not endorsements.

View the AHS policy on Mobile Wireless Devices and Services.


Pocket Anatomy

Pocket Anatomy    

Version reviewed


Device & OS used

iPad Air iOS 12.4.2
 6s iOS 12.4.1

Date of review

May 1, 2020

Reviewers Courtney Ellsworth & Susanne King-Jones
Technician Support  Melanie Belliveau



Image Source: Pocket Anatomy, Apple App Store. Retrieved on May 11, 2020 from:


Stated Purpose  

Fly around the human body with a swipe of your finger with Pocket Anatomy for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Search through 1000s of anatomical structures and system layers including skin, skeletal, connective tissue, muscular, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary and more. Users will have the entire human body in the palm of their hand.

Designed by a team of healthcare professionals, educators and interaction designers who are passionate about the intersection of healthcare and visual learning. 





General healthcare professionals 

Clinical staff, medical students, healthcare professionals


Can be used by professionals or patients

Part 1: Editorial committee, content updates, and evidence grading

This app stands out because it shows a very detailed, 3D human anatomy. It won awards (e.g. European MEDEA (Media in Education) in 2010)) and is endorsed by the British Medical Association.

Part 2: Source and authorship information for 3 entries


Organization of information

Pins have up to three sections of information, generally Anatomy, Clinical, and a third section that is dependent on the pin (Vignette, Supply, Functions, etc.).


Click on pins on the (male or female) body to read the information. Has 9 different layers (skeletal to skin).


User Account required: No

Internet connection required for use: No  

Text search field: Yes - Search box available 

Browsable content:Yes - By pin or system. Different layers, systems, show/hid visible pins.

Advertisements: Yes - Just the one for their paid version (

Pop-up advertisements: Yes - Just the one for their paid version (

In-app purchases: No


Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Requires iOS 8.0 or later.

Last updated (as per App store listing): November/December 2019

Windows mobile (all platforms); n/a

Android tablets and smartphones. A web app version for all other android devices has been advertised in 2017 but app for androids is not available at this point.

Last updated (as per Google Play listing): n/a


iPhone 667.1 MB (iOS); iPad 670.4 MB (iOS)                                          

App Developer

Pocket Anatomy

Country of Origin


Contact or use email link provided in app. Website with contact info: