Mobile Apps & Resources: Sepsis Clinical Guide


To keep you updated on the go, our ‘app of the month’ highlights one free informational app every month!

Librarian reviewers consider the audience and purpose of the apps, as well as highlighting additional features:
  • In the ‘Evidence’ section, we assess how easily an app user can identify the app’s currency and support from the evidence
  • In the ‘Usability’ section, we assess the organization of information and other usability factors that may contribute to user experience

Our complete grading criteria for evidence and usability are embedded in the review.

Please note that the reviewers are not healthcare professionals, and so cannot appraise the quality of any recommendations within the app. The reviews are not endorsements.

View the AHS policy on Mobile Wireless Devices and Services.


Sepsis Clinical Guide


Sepsis Clinical Guide


Ashley Jane Leonard (AJL) and Courtney Ellsworth (CE)

Version reviewed

Version 4.3 (both devices)

Device & OS used

Galaxy A5 (2017) OS version 8.0.0; iPad Air, iOS version 9.3.2

Date of review

Date of review: April, 18 2019 (AJL); April 23 2019 (CE)

Image Source:Thrombosis Canada, Apple App Store. ​Retrieved on May 6, 2019 from

App developer

Company Name: Escavo Inc.; Daniel Nichita, MD






iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Last updated (as per App Store listing): November 28 2018

Android Smartphones & Tablets​

Last updated (as per Google Play listing): April 8 2018

Country of origin





46 MB (Android) / 41.2 MB (Apple)




Intensivists, General medicine physicians, emergency department physicians, interns and residents, pediatricians, nurses 




Stated Purpose  

“Successful treatment hinges on prompt recognition of symptoms, correct antibiotic administration, and hemodynamic stabilization. Lack of appropriate sepsis management knowledge at the bedside leads to delayed symptom recognition, serious complications, medical errors, increased treatment costs, and avoidable morbidity and mortality. For this reason, we created this app to provide busy health professionals with essential management information based on the latest practice guidelines in a format that is easily accessible at the point of care”.

Taken from:



It is mentioned that information within the App is based primarily on clinical practice standards that are specific to the United States –lets users know the information within the App may not be fully relevant outside of that geographic location.

As well, a disclaimer can be found within the App noting that the information is meant for medical personnel only.


Part 1: Editorial committee, content updates, and evidence grading

Individual author information is provided. Dr. Daniel Nichita is listed as the author of this App but no further information is provided relating to an editorial committee. As well, the App states that it is based on guidelines issued by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, the American Thoracic Society as well as feedback from several critical care specialists.

There is no information found within the App relating to update or evidence grading information.  

Part 2: Source and authorship information for 3 entries

There was no information provided relating to content updates or evidence grading, which the reviewers identified as a weakness of this App.

In-text reference information is provided within each entry; that you are required to scroll left to access multiple references that may be found within an entry is not intuitive to App users however. 

Organization      of Information


Organized by board subjects (Overview, Diagnosis, Management, etc.) and then further divided by sub-category.



The sections were displayed via coloured icons on the home page – quick and easy navigation.

A search function exists from home screen that allows you search for your keyword across the whole App.



It is possible to add notes to each entry within the App, which are saved as a listing within the App itself. It is also possible to save entries to your ‘Favourites’. You can also set up a News feed within the App (but it wasn’t clear how this actually works).

Your collected Notes, Favourites and News listings are available to you from the home screen.

Internet connection required for use: No
Text search field: Yes; Browsable content by subject: YesAdvertisements: Yes; Pop-up advertisements: NoIn-app purchases: No



Access to Calculators is provided via the ‘Calculator’ icon located on the home screen.

Additional resources are provided from the home screen. This includes information about important websites and sepsis organizations as well as relevant information relating to recent clinical trials on the topic of sepsis.