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Our complete grading criteria for evidence and usability are embedded in the review.
Please note that the reviewers are not healthcare professionals, and so cannot appraise the quality of any recommendations within the app. The reviews are not endorsements.
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U.S. Prevention Services TaskForce (USPSTF) Recommendations
Image Source: USPSTF Prevention TaskForce, Apple App Store. Retrieved on August 30, 2021 from:
Stated Purpose
“The Prevention TaskForce (formerly ePSS) application assists primary care clinicians to identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients. The Prevention TaskForce data is based on the current recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and can be searched by specific patient characteristics, such as age, sex, and selected behavioral risk factors. When using this tool please read the specific recommendation to determine if the preventive service is appropriate for your patient. This tool is not meant to replace clinical judgment and individualized patient care.”
ePSS was evaluated in June 2018,
• Save searches, label them, and add notes
• Bookmark topics
• Email or print pages
• Search by patient characteristics.
• Subscribe/unsubscribe to notifications
• Add account information to include your name and address when emailing/printing information.
Image Source: USPSTF Prevention TaskForce, Apple App Store. Retrieved on August 30, 2021 from:
Primary care & preventive medicine
Primary care clinicians and health care teams
“The Prevention TaskForce is an application designed to provide primary care clinicians and health care teams timely decision support regarding appropriate screening, counseling, and preventive services for their patients.” (About Prevention TaskForce, 2021) [the above quote is taken directly from the Overview section within the app itself]
Part 1: Editorial committee, content updates, and evidence grading
In-app content is created by the USPSTF and links are provided to content provided by external sources (ex. CDC). The USPSTF consists of 16 volunteer members who are nationally recognized experts in the disciplines of preventive medicine and primary care. The app is updated regularly and entry dates are provided when viewing the full recommendations. A five letter grading system is used to indicate whether or not a particular service should be offered or provided. The app provides thorough details on how the grading system works.
The USPSTF app is based on current, evidence-based recommendations, and is searchable via patient characteristics, such as age, sex, and selected behavioral risk factors. As a point of care tool, it is intended to provide guidance only, not to replace clinical judgment and individualized patient care (About Prevention TaskForce, Overview, 2021).
Part 2: Source and authorship information for 3 entries
Publication dates, reference lists and in-text citations are provided when choosing to view the full recommendation. The recommendations are the creation of the USPSTF and are based on recent evidence including guidelines, organizational reports/recommendations/position statements, systematic reviews/meta-analyses (including Cochrane systematic reviews), randomized controlled trials, etc. A very comprehensive grading scale is also used.
The Search for Recommendations calculator is particularly unique, not only in informing patients of their health status, but also acting as a reminder for primary care physicians to order any follow-up tests, etc., as per the recommendations listed.
Organization of information
The app has 5 options to select, which can be found along the bottom of the screen:
• Topics (browse recommendations by topics such as counseling, preventive RX, or Screening)
• Bookmarks (view the topics and recommendations you have bookmarked)
• Search (enter the age, weight, height, and other personal details of the patient to search for recommendations according to their characteristics)
• Tools (useful resources from mostly external sources for professionals and consumers. You can filter the results by a number of different categories based on types of conditions)
• Grades (browse recommendations by grade)
There is also a menu icon in the top-left of the screen which opens up a drop-down list of things like learning more about the app and the grading system, manually updating the app, looking at saved searches, and customizing some settings like subscribing and unsubscribing to notifications or changing between English and Metric system for height/weight.
Once you select the topic you want, you can look at a quick summary of the recommendations. A link is provided to take you to the full recommendation and it opens up right in the app which is very convenient. Even the tools provided from external sources will open up in the app.
User Account require: No
Internet connection required for use: Yes
Text search field: No
Browsable content: Yes
Advertisements: No
Pop-up advertisements: No
In-app purchases: No
Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch require iOS 10.3 or later.
Last updated (as per App store listing): June 24, 2021
Compatible with Android smartphones and tablets. OS compatibility varies with devices.
Last updated (as per Google Play listing): April 29, 2021
29.1 MB iOS (Apple)
Varies with devices (Android)
US Department of Health & Human Services – AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Country of Origin
United States
USPSTF Program Office
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E53A
Rockville, MD 20857